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All Rest Opera at St Mary's

All Rest Opera at St Mary's 

Performance one - 5pm
Performance two - 6.30pm 


All Rest is an original, immersive opera experience portraying a fictional dreamscape about the people dwelling in St Mary’s historic graveyard on Overton Drive. Six characters and a chorus of ghosts will lead the audience on a journey through the grounds, offering a glimpse of past and future stories.  All Rest was premiered earlier this year for the St Mary’s Music Festival and the Fringe is delighted to offer another chance to experience it. With music by local composer Simone Spagnolo and text by Serena Braida, All Rest features voices, a choir, portable instruments and St Mary’s historic organ. 

“The composition, staging and performance [are] of a standard rarely seen in these parts” 

Please note because the opera involves walking around the graveyard it is not suitable for wheels.

Tickets cost £12 (concessions) or £16 and will be available from the Wanstead Fringe Website.